Men’s health is the most precious thing in one’s life.
I am talking about a male person’s sexual life. A sound sexual health of a male person makes him all round happy and successful in every sphere of life.
But if this health is jeopardized by Erectile Dysfunction, then the life will be miserable for the male person concerned and the lady partner of him as well.
Of course there is solution. Viagra by Pfizer, introduced some five years back, has made millions of male persons’ sexual health rejuvenated and has given them new life. Actually, Pfizer has revolutionized this segment of the market by their Patented Viagra The market was waiting for long time for an effective solution to male Erectile Dysfunction.
Immediately after introduction in the market, Viagra won the world! This prompted other innovators to jump on the market and medicines such as Levitra, Cialis etc, had come to fight the same sexual problem.
We will concentrate our discussions on Viagra only.
The medical or generic name of patented Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate. This medicine is costly and a sizeable amount will have to be spent for regular use of the drug to fight against Erectile Dysfunction and carry on normal sexual activities.
You must accept that, Pfizer, had to spend millions of Dollars over the research to develop Viagra and US FDA has given them the Patent to market Patented Viagra for a particular period of time in order to make good their expenses. Otherwise no business can be run and there will be a blockage in developing new medicines against innumerous diseases. That is why the medicine is costly.
However, there are manufacturers of medicines who might not have to spend so much money over research and developments of new medicines but they could reproduce the formulation to market cheaper version of the same patented medicine. This type of medicines are generally called generic version of the patented medicine like generic Viagra or generic Cialis etc.
In this way generic Viagra are sold in the market as Sildenafil Citrate or only Sildenafil or so.
The cost of this generic type of medicines is not so much and affordable to common man. So a cheap alternative for regaining Men’s Health is generic Viagra.
The market and the Governments have accepted this and they will definitely thrive.
Some body may point out about the quality and effectiveness of generic Viagra.
In most of the cases it has been proved that, when the medicine is manufactured and tested with the same procedure of the original medicine, there will be no difference between patented and generic Viagra in respect of quality and effectiveness.
Unfortunately I must say that the market may be filled with unscrupulous manufacturers and traders also. I use to get every day at least twenty to thirty mails everyday about the generic Viagra and a number of similar and other generic medicines. I am not sure about the quality and effectiveness of these medicines.
However, if it is from a reputed manufacturer of generic medicine, you can buy generic Viagra, and can use it.
I am sure you will get the same joy of sexual excitement as you can get through patented Viagra. But it may not be costly in respect of your pocket.
Over the counter medicine shops and innumerous web sites generally sale Cheap generic Viagra pills.
Online generic Viagra, selling through Internet shop has now become a flourishing business. If quality is ensured this is the easiest way to get the medicine staying even at home.
This is the business of our present day and for future as well.
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