Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Medical Loans

Medical Loans: What To Do When You Need Money For Medical Treatment

Medical treatment is very expensive, but unlike most pricey items, it’s not an optional or luxury purchase for those in need of treatment. Unfortunately, not everyone has health insurance. Even those who do have health insurance may not have sufficient coverage for all of their medical expenses. Many medical facilities have links with financial institutions which offer medical loans. These loans are cash advances made specifically for the purpose of medical intervention only, and are a financing option for people who are not able to pay for medical treatment on their own.

Medical loans are normally unsecured loans that are awarded on the basis of the applicant’s credit record and earning capacity. The advantages of obtaining a medical loan are that you can undergo whatever medical procedure you require at the time when you need it without worrying about paying for the entire procedure at once. Medical loans typically have regular interest rates and so are not difficult to repay. Getting a medical loan is definitely much better than charging the medical bill to your credit card which could result in long term, high interest debt.

Medical loans can be used not only for emergency medical interventions, but also for those that are not covered under health care insurance, such as cosmetic surgery, liposuction, dental cosmetic surgery, detoxification and similar other procedures that you feel are important to you but that your insurance company does not deem as medically necessary.

Where Do You Get Medical Loans?

There are many places to find medical loans. Before taking out a medical loan, you might want to run a search on the Internet to find out about the different sources of medical loans. You might also want to contact medical practices in your area to determine which lenders they recommend to their patients and check out their terms. As with any type of loan, it is a good idea to compare terms and conditions before signing a contract.

You could also get this information from your own doctor’s office as well as from online and from other medical practices. Just make sure that you know the prevailing interest rates before you make a decision. Also be aware that sometimes the financial institutions offer medical practitioners a percentage for every person referred. Therefore, when you take the advice of your doctor’s office without making comparisons, you cannot be sure you are getting the best offer.

Other Loans For Medical Treatment

In case you find that the medical loans are not suitable for you, you could always go for a regular loan. For example, homeowners might find a home equity line of credit or a second mortgage to be better a better option for them. Research carefully before you make your decision, so you can avail of the best possible offer.

Medical Factoring For Small Medical Offices

As commercial lines of credit and business loans get harder and harder to qualify for, many medium and small medical practices and healthcare businesses are turning to medical factoring to help alleviate their slow cash flow.

Although many medical practices can still qualify for a business loan or line of credit, many are finding that traditional banking products don’t always solve their cash flow concerns in the long term. Why? Well, traditional business loans have to be paid within a few years and lines of credit have fixed maximum limits. Basically, neither product is very flexible and both are hard to get, unless you run a medium sized medical practice.

Medical factoring presents an interesting financing alternative. It provides you with financing that is tied to your insurance claims. If you file more claims this month than last month, your financing goes up accordingly. It provides you with predictable cash flow, ensuring that you are able to meet your office expenses. You’ll have predictable money to pay rent, meet payroll and invest in growth.

And, medical factoring is ideal for small medical offices. Although most factoring companies have minimums, many will finance an office that is billing as little as $50,000 (net) per month.

Medical factoring works as follows:

1. You submit your insurance and Medicare/Medicaid claims as usual. You send a copy to the factoring company

2. The factoring company advances you 70% to 85% of your net collectibles (the non advanced part works as a reserve to cover disputes/etc.). You can use the funds as you see fit

3. Once the medical factoring company gets paid, the transaction is settled.

Setting up a factoring account can take a couple of weeks, mostly because the medical factoring company will need to perform their due diligence and audits. However, once the account is set up, the financing is continuous. You can usually get your claims funded within 24 hours of submitting them to the factoring company.

If your small medical practice has slow cash flow but good growth prospects, then factoring may be the tool to help you finance your growth.

Medical Mailing Lists For Medical Products and Services

Humans are vulnerable creatures. Any day, any time, anyone can fall ill if we do not take care of our health properly. Whether it is a minor condition like the common flu, a serious condition like cancer or some other long-term ailment, both the young and old cannot escape from such unfortunate works of nature. It is evident that there is a need for medical products and services to help prevent germs and viruses from attacking one’s body, to reduce the effects of a health problem, or to prevent a health condition from worsening.

Today, technology has enabled us to enjoy better quality products and services like never before. Scientific discoveries have made it possible for us to benefit from cheaper and better medical products. The advancement of nanotechnology and robotics for instance, has produced effective drugs, vaccines and devices, facilitating the treatment of patients in most areas of our health. Cheaper drugs have also made treatment available to the less privileged, allowing more and more people to have access to such goods and services.

Other than consuming medical products and services for the usual purpose, many do turn to them to prevent the occurrence of certain conditions or for cosmetic enhancement. For example, this may take place when an individual wishes to prevent further hair loss. He then has to rely on specific medical equipment to treat that condition, and ensure that its intended effect is achieved by consuming certain medicine. In addition, one may wish to enhance her beauty by taking injections to prevent wrinkles from forming around the eyes. Both examples show that other than treating basic health problems, medical products and services also serve various purposes, which may not be deemed necessary. Thus, there are multiple reasons why one requires access to these medical products and services.

The market available to sell these products and services to is large. For example, hospitals and private practices require the use of them to treat their patients for the above-mentioned reasons. Thus, pharmaceutical companies producing the relevant equipment or medical supplies need to be able to contact them to sell them their products. Conversely, hospitals and private practices rely on these companies to keep on manufacturing these products and equipment. Thus, it is essential that businesses in this industry are able to contact their target prospects and customers effectively.

In order for businesses to gain immediate information on where these hospitals and practices can be found, it is always convenient to have access to medical mailing lists for all types of medical products and services. A medical mailing list would contain complied information of the various contacts of hospitals and private practices, where medical products and services are needed. They will be accurate and up-to-date as companies offering these lists maintain them through continuous research and monitoring. Therefore, businesses that wish to sell their medical products and services to a highly specific prospect group can save time and money by using a good medical mailing list. They will be able to use it to locate relevant groups of companies that are suitable for their marketing campaigns, reaching their customers within a short period of time.

Medical Loans The Answer To Affordable Medical Treatment

What happens when you need medical treatment that is not covered under health insurance? Many times, people do not have adequate medial insurance coverage to take care of medically necessary procedures. Often medical treatment is needed immediately to have any chance of success, so it really isn’t viable to try to save up the money for treatment. When you can’t afford medical treatment that you need, and there isn’t an acceptable alternative treatment, getting a medical loan might be your best option.

There are a number of lenders who are willing to make loans for both medically necessary and elective medical procedures. Medical loans are funds that are advanced to a person for the specific purpose of being used for medical treatment. They are typically unsecured loans that are basted on creditworthiness. The interest rate usually reflects the going rate in the market. Additionally, many medical loans have a built-in grace period, allowing patient recovery time before repayment is required to begin.

Medical loans are often the only hope for getting needed medical treatment for those who either don’t have health insurance or do not have the funds available to pay their deductible. People with chronic illnesses often need medical loans to be able to continue treatment once their coverage is depleted.

Many people seek medical loans for elective medical procedures as well. As a rule, health insurance will not pay for any type of treatment considered to be medically unnecessary. For example, procedures such as liposuction, gastric bypass, dental cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, breast enhancement, breast reduction, and other similar procedures are typically not covered by health insurance.

These types of medical procedures that are in most cases required for mental satisfaction rather than physical well-being. While no doctor would recommend these procedures as a must-have for a healthy life in most cases, most are of the opinion that such procedures can improve the morale of the person to a great extent. Hence, from a psychological point of view, such procedures do improve the quality of life of the patient.

Many special clinics have been set up with the specific purpose of providing elective medical procedures services to people who want or need them. These clinics, knowing full well that such procedures are not likely to be covered by patients’ health insurance, often provide resources for medical loans to their patients. This enables patients to find a way to afford the services they desire without having to research funding options on their own.

Picking Medical Uniforms And Scrubs For Your Medical Staff

The time has come to replenish your stock of medical uniforms and scrubs. When you are in charge of stocking and replenishing that stock within a medical facility, you have a lot of considerations to consider before your purchase, after the purchase, and while the purchase is in use. There are many highly reputable choices for you when you need to purchase medical uniforms and scrubs for your medical facility.

Usually, a good rule of thumb is to have plenty of medical uniforms and scrubs for the staff members. Consider the positions, the appropriate colors and prints, the specific customization needed – if any – and the budget. When you purchase medical uniforms and scrubs for an office setting, you will want to insure you have enough to cover long term staff members as well as the rotating positions that may seem to shift from time to time.

Having what you currently need is great, but are you taking into consideration other people that may join your team?

A large stock of additional sizes may not be necessary if your turn around is small, but the larger your employee turn around, the more options you should have available. Having appropriate sizes is essential. Having a spare set of medical uniforms and scrubs for every size will insure that no one is left out of the loop when it comes time to acquire new working medical apparel.

Do not forget to purchase plus size medical uniforms and scrubs for the plus size staff members as well. With more and more people falling within the plus size category, the necessity for plus size medical apparel is increasing.

Another method of purchasing medical uniforms and scrubs is to purchase what you need when you need it. For instance, if you have what you need when it comes to supplying medical uniforms and scrubs for your staff, then as a new uniform or scrub is needed, then you can have some general, temporary scrubs or uniforms until you can order the real deal.

You can get customization easily using this method, but new staff members are going to stick out in the crowd. This is a great idea if you have a trial period at the workplace, and temporary medical uniforms and scrubs are not too difficult to purchase.

When you purchase uniforms or scrubs for your medical facility, consider purchasing once or twice a year. Replenishing your stock at regular intervals will help you save time and money because you will find making purchases in quantity can and will save you money in either discounts or free shipping or customization.

Yes, you can save time and money while making your medical facility run more smoothly. Purchasing medical uniforms and scrubs is a good idea to aid with conformity and professionalism, and following these minor suggestions means you get the best value for your money. You will have a lot of leeway when it comes to choosing sizes, colors, designs, and fashionable medical uniforms and scrubs for your medical facility.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Accident Injury Claim - Get The Right Solicitor To Succeed

An accident injury can happen almost anywhere: at home, at work, on the road, shopping, during sport activities and so on. Each of these situations may bring many troubles, particularly if the injury is severe enough to affect your personal lifestyle or your ability to work for a longer time. However, with an accident injury claim it helps to compensate losses caused by the accident injury.

It isn't always 100% recoverable such an annual holidays with friends and family. This and many others of the likes are not recoverable. It's something you have to miss.

You can on the other hand retrieve any money paid for medical treatments, journeys in relation to the accident such as visits to physiotherapy or medical center. This is recoverable once your compensation claim is settled.

'No Win No Fee' Revolution

Since 1998, solicitors work on a 'No Win No Fee' scheme, abolishing Legal Aid. It was put in effect due to many people no being able to get legal aid and didn't bother with their compensation. It made it easier and cost-free for the accident victim. Now, if you win your injury claim, you don't pay any fees and you get 100% of your money.

The fees are recovered from the losing party. And if you lose, it still won't cost you anything if you use a quality accident solicitor who would write the costs off.

No Fees Or Costs

Therefore, no payment is required by an accident solicitor until the final verdict is reached. Yet still you don't pay for it. Being able to get a free assessment is another bonus as it allows you know for sure if you definitely have a claim for compensation.

The solicitor should not hassle you to proceed. But they will advise you with the benefits to go ahead with an accident injury claim. If you do contact them, YOU decide if you want to make use of their skills and experience.

Brilliant Personal Injury Solicitor

A quality claim solicitor will go through the stages of proceeding with an injury claim. Being able to predict possible payout figures and also the time it might take. Just by listening to them will you be able to examine their professionalism. They should have your interest at heart and shouldn't be taking your case, just for the money.

Another absolute bonus is taking no deductions from your injury compensation, no loans being set up or any hidden interest - no catches or tricks. This would outline that the service of an injury solicitor is free for real. For you, it means there are no costs and no risk involved.

Business Ethics

As the circumstances of every accident may vary, every accident claim requires an individual approach. A solicitor should take care of every detail of your compensation claim, so you may relax and wait for the results of their work. They should be highly skilled and experienced, as a result of numerous settled cases.

Brilliant compensation solicitors are hard to find these days. But by finding one and not being able to contact them on some occasions does not mean they don't know about you or your case. They will be doing everything in their power to settle your claim.

Also being part of an elite group of solicitors, they will have experience. Experience for converting technical jargon to the simplest format for you to understand. Advice is one powerful quality a solicitor gives you, so listen to them.

The Aftermath

If you had an accident, it leaves painful, traumatic memories and affects your lifestyle in many troublesome ways. Many of these bad experiences cannot be undone, but can be compensated. It's one of the main reasons why you shouldn't wait around with an accident claim in your pocket.

With a personal injury solicitor's help, you can get what you deserve for your suffering and perhaps it may help you to start a new, better chapter in your life.

The Motor Vehicle Accident “Whiplash-Type” Injury -- As Of 2004

The “Bottom Line” regarding “Whiplash Crash Facts” (accumulated during 2004 - - and including all the previous years) are as follows:

THERE ARE EIGHT SERIOUS AND ABSOLUTE FACTS IMPACTING AND REGARDING THAT WHICH IS TODAY IDENTIFIED AS A “WHIPLASH” INJURY. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1#. The “Threshold” for cervical spine soft tissue injury becomes a reality at 5 MPH.2#. Most injuries occur at speeds below 12 MPH. #3. Crashed cars can often withstand collision speeds of 10 MPH (some even more) without sustaining damage. (THUS: The concept of “No Property Damage - No Cash” has absolutely been invalidated)! #4. A delay in the onset of symptoms has been found to be the “Norm” rather than the “Exception”. #5. Mild traumatic brain injury can be the result of a Whiplash -Type injury. (These symptoms are often referred to as, “Post Concussion Syndrome”). #6. Up to 10% of victims of “Whiplash” become totally disabled ! #7. Of the 31 important whiplash studies since 1956 (19 of them executed since 1990) regarding patients from all vectors of motor vehicle accident collision impacts (be they rear, frontal, or side) it was found that “over 60% of them” needed long-term medical follow-up. #8. In 2003 several million Americans suffered a “Whiplash-Type” injury. This figure flows into the stratosphere each and ever day at an alarming rate of speed!


Studies have proven that 45% of the victims remained symptomatic at 12 weeks and 25% remained symptomatic at 6 months. The most minor cases needed at least 8 weeks to recover. The time needed to stabilize in the more severe cases took 17 weeks. THUS: The written (and often declared) notion that “Whiplash Injuries Heal In 6 To 8 Weeks” is just not true !

CHILDREN AND THE “WHIPLASH-TYPE” INJURY: Youngsters who have had Whiplash-Type injuries display sleep disturbances and nightmares, difficulties in talking to parents and friends, mood disturbances, poor academic performance and specific fears when it came to impact related play. ANOTHER SERIOUS CONCLUSION: Children who have been involved in motor vehicle accidents are often neglected as having had “Any various types of injury“, when in actuality, they suffer from the same symptoms as adults. As a matter of fact, they’re at a greater risk for damages - - especially when it comes to “WHIPLASH” !


#1. Low speed impact crashes don’t cause injuries. #2. Injuries heal in 6 to 12 weeks. #3. A patients pre-injury psychological makeup affects recovery.#4. The greater the vehicle damage the greater the occupant injury.#5. An “Accident Re-Constructionist” can predict injury potential. All five of these “Conclusions” have been proved to be totally incorrect !


#1. Most injuries occur at speeds below 12 MPH.#2. Rear-end impacts of 6 MPH to 12 MPH cause the most injuries. #3. Between 1 and 2 years post-injury, 22% of patient’s conditions have not returned to “Normal”.


#1. DEGENERATIVE DISEASE: Headaches and/or neck injury pain (for whatever reasons) prior to the crash. #2. PRE-EXISTING HEALTH PROBLEMS: These can positively lead to even greater pain. (For example: A solid Arthritis situation will always lead to the severity of the injury and the pain).#3. VEHICLE SIZE: Even if both are about the same size an 8 MPH impact produces two times the force of gravity. If one is greater than the size of another the Gravity-Force becomes monumental! #4. HEADREST POSITION: The injury becomes much worse if it’s too far away. It must be close enough to catch the head in time - - or about 2 inches. (Over 98% of the headrests are more than 2 inches from the head). #5. POSITION OF HEAD AT IMPACT: If not positively straight (it rarely is) all the G Forces are localized to one side of the spine, substantially increasing the severity of injuries. #6. AGE: How old one is plays a crucial role regarding a “Whiplash-Type” of injury. Why? Because as the body becomes older, ligaments become less pliable, muscles are weaker and less flexible plus there’s a decreased range of motion. #7. WOMEN AND CHILDREN: They injure more seriously than men because they have smaller necks. They may also be too close to the steering wheel, airbag and/or are wearing an improper fitting shoulder harness. #8. NON-USE OF: The motor vehicle’s shoulder harness. #9. FAILURE TO WEAR A SEATBELT !


YOU MUST READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE “MEDICAL PAYMENTS” COVERAGE: This coverage pays all Medical (and often even funeral expenses) for you, your spouse and even relatives living in your home, and/or others who are injured while operating your motor vehicle.

HERE’S A “BIGGIE” THAT MANY PEOPLE ARE NOT AWARE OF: You and your resident family members may also be covered as pedestrians regarding the payment of your medical bills - - should you have been struck and injured by a motor vehicle.

PLUS: WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR MOTOR VEHICLES “MEDICAL PAYMENTS” COVERAGE - - HERE ARE TWO HUGE FACTS YOU MUST INVESTIGATE: #1. You’re usually paid (regardless of who was at fault for the accident) up to the limit of the coverage you’ve selected. #2. The coverage often extends to expenses incurred - - within he first three years of the accident !